INDIANAPOLIS — Hurst Limontes LLC, an Indiana-based personal injury law firm, is pleased to announce its expanded involvement with the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association (ITLA). Nearly all of the firm’s personal injury attorneys now have a role within the ITLA, further strengthening the relationship between the two organizations.

Notable changes and announcements include:

• Hurst Limontes’ Managing Partner, Alex Limontes, has recently moved to the role of Treasurer Elect.
• Attorney Katherine “Katie” Karres, has recently been nominated to the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association Board of Directors.
• For the third consecutive year, Attorney Chase Wilson is serving as Chair of the Young Lawyers Division.
• Attorneys Charles “Chip” Hubley and Chase Wilson are working as Amicus Counsel for the ITLA on a voluntary, non-paid basis.
• Alex Limontes and Chase Wilson were both recently honored with the ITLA’s President’s Award, a prestigious accolade that recognizes their dedication to the legal profession.
• Alex Limontes (Recent Verdicts), Chase Wilson (Investigating 1983 Claims), and Katie Karres (Bifurcating Difficult Liability Cases) all recently presented at the ITLA’s 36th Annual Lifetime Achievement Seminar.

In addition, Hurst Limontes and its attorneys continue to work closely with the ITLA’s staff and committee members on other various matters, helping to promote justice, uphold professional conduct, and improve legal standards within the state of Indiana.

“We’re proud to work closely with the ITLA to help fight for the rights of all residents in Indiana,” said Limontes. “The ITLA serves as an invaluable resource to Hoosiers, ensuring equal access to justice and safeguarding their interests,” he added.

Indiana Injury Attorney