Editorial Guidelines HurstLimontes.com

Hurst Limontes LLC provides articles written by lawyers, paralegals and other law-related authors. Topics are relevant to current events and legal matters primarily in the State of Indiana.


Hurst Limontes LLC is not an academic journal or a law review. Articles should be written for an educated audience interested in personal injury law.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while writing:

• Blog posts should be sophisticated but not be overly difficult for the reader.
• Avoid legalese. If you must use legal jargon, explain what it means.
• Try to use examples to explain concepts.
• Use local Indianapolis and statewide Indiana topics and statistics.
• The article should persuade the reader to want to continue reading.
• Use an enticing headline at the top of your post.
Try to use charts, graphs, and other relevant images to further explain your topic.


  • Articles must be between 750 and 2,500 words.
  • Footnotes and/or end notes are tolerated.
  • Place citations and hyperlinks within the content both to internal and external relevant sources.
  • Text should be single-spaced.
  • Use 14-point font.


Please submit using a Word doc.
Provide a brief bio and photo of each author at the end of the article.
To submit an article for review, send the document to alimontes@hurstlimontes.com


Our staff will copy/edit the article to conform to our standards.
Additional lawyers who contributed to the writing of the blog post may be included at the bottom of the post.

Legal Responsibilities

The author assumes full legal responsibility for the content of the article, including the duty that the article’s content:

• is truthful, accurate and non-defamatory;
• does not plagiarize;
• does not violate any applicable law; and
• does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, or other legal rights of a third party.

Hurst Limontes LLC assumes full legal responsibility for any changes to the content or presentation made by Hurst Limontes LLC team that makes the article untruthful, inaccurate, defamatory, illegal, or infringing on the rights of others.

Authors must review and accept all terms of the article submission guidelines prior to the article’s publication.

By submitting an article, an author accepts all the terms of the guidelines.