When in an accident, a person might suffer from an actual injury, but their physical pain and mental anguish associated with that injury. After an injury, a person may still suffer physical pain. Whether that be minor pain, that only impacts small parts of their day, or significant pain that can impact every part of their day. The accident, the injury or injuries, and the pain can also have an impact on a person’s mental health as well. Physical pain resulting from an injury that impacts a person’s day-to-day activities can result in that person struggling with their mental health as well.
Pain and suffering are considered non-economic damages, meaning they are damages not associated with any money paid for treatment of the injury, or damages associated with time missed from work. Pain and suffering are especially hard to quantify because every person experiences them differently.
Injuries resulting from an accident can vary in terms of severity. They can be more painful and cause long-term pain, or they can be less impactful and be fixed by a few sessions of physical therapy. However, every injury is important, and no matter how severe an injury is, it can still cause physical pain and mental suffering. Missing work can cause a person to feel stress or depression, and this can affect their life at home as well. Problems caused by pain can limit what someone can do in their free time or prevent them from doing things they used to enjoy.
Both pain and suffering are hard to measure, and can be different from person to person, and from juror to juror. However, when a person has an injury from a car accident, a court must consider damages for pain and suffering. Permanent pain is worth different amounts of money to different people. Permanent back pain may limit a person substantially for the rest of their life. However, to one juror that pain could be worth a million dollars, and to another it could be worth much less.
For example, out Lawyers have tried cases were Jurors who suffered from Chronic Pain valued pain and suffering less than those jurors who did not suffer from Chronic Pain. Additionally, Mental Suffering can be valued differently. In almost all Car Accident cases there is some form of PTSD even if it is just limited to some minor anxiety when getting back into a car. Some of our clients find themselves checking the rear-view mirror regularly when at a stop while others can have panic attacks when riding as a passenger. Every case and client is different and pain and suffering damages or HUMAN LOSSES must be determined and valued on a case by case basis.
What Should I do if I Have Been Injured in a Car Accident?
You should talk to an experienced Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyer that can help guide you through this complicated process. The Legal Team at Hurst Limontes LLC has years of experience handling serious Personal Injury cases and Car Crash cases. We can walk you through the process. We will answer your questions and most importantly answer the Phone and call you back. We will represent your interests and we will explain this process.