By William Bill Hurst

Indianapolis Personal Injury LawyerNovember 2, 2011 at the State Fair in Louisiana a 3 year old boy suffered serious critical injuries when a kiddie ride accidentally started while the ride operator was unloading passengers.  The child was left pinned for 20 minutes while workers used the jaw of life to free him.  He was seriously injured. October 31, 2011 there was a collision between two monorails at the Disney resort in Florida.  The accident and injuries to the occupants was caused by the failure of the monorail manager to verify the position of a switch.  There were several serious injuries.

On October 24, 2011 a 31 year old woman suffered a fatal fall from a tiptop ride in Dublin Ireland.  She was ejected from her bucket seat and landed on the metal steps leading to the platform. She died instantly.  August 30, 2011 at Bottoms Amusement Park in Berkshire, England, an amusement park ride called a Surf Rider malfunctioned and left seven riders hospitalized.  A gondola attached to one end of the arm remained horizontal throughout the ride keeping the passengers upright and the gondola crashed in a vertical position.  Firefighters had to use a hydraulic platform and ropes to extract all 22 riders who were trapped and injured. Many of these accidents and those mentioned above have been catalogued by, which is a non-profit research and education site which focus on Amusement Park Safety.